Weeks 1 – 4: Building A Routine - Review
I'm sat here on the train, writing my 1st blog post reviewing my first block of training for Staffs 70.3 and I'm in a funny place with it if I'm honest: 1) Do I think I should have done more.. YES 2) Am I happy with progress - YES & NO 3) Do I need to work harder for the next phase - YES 4) Do I feel guilty about missing the sessions - YES 5) Am I worried about it - NO 6) What do I need to change for the next phase? Its been a tough 4 weeks on the training committing front, which I knew it was going to be, with working away from my training base and Vicki opening her new sports clinic (www.vickisportsmassage.co.uk - check them out) I knew I was going to be needed elsewhere. I missed sessions due to both, but then... I didn't have any down time or was I just being lazy as there were times where I just sat on my arse, but i wasn't getting any time out from work or home so it was just good to sit on the sofa in the evenings. ...