Week 14 - Its A Hard Week

02/04/12 - Rest Day

03/04/12 - Brick Session (Swansea Pool of Wales & Swansea Sea Front)

This is the first brick session that I've done that is from the pool to the road, and it went pretty well, there was some stiffness in he arms when I first started but that soon went, and as I was still wet from the pool I didn't have a chance to get on my tights so it was a cold one for me.It was great to swim in a different pool, it felt like a completely different swim, and I had to fork out for new goggles as I left my predators at home. The session was an endurance effort swim, a full 2000 meters in one hit and then straight out for the run (I did have to change first though).

I managed to complete 8 minute mile pace run, and maxed my heart rate out at 176 BPM, it was a flat run, but a cold one, so I pushed hard to get out and back as it was sushi for tea. I can see from the training plan there are more of these to come so I'm keen to get another one under my belt.

Session Details
Duration 01 30 00
2000 Meter Swim
3.79 Mile Run

04/04/12 - Rest Day

05/04/12 - Free Run (Treadmill)

A simple run today, get some simple miles in the legs, I felt strong and could have kept going, but I know I've got to do the same tomorrow too. I had to keep the session in T3 and under but I can see from the Garmin I had a spike in the graph. I don't know what that was from?

I've started wearing calf compression gear on the treadmill and quad compression on the bike, Its feels great and its definitely helping me push onto the next level of my training. Its helping me recover quicker too so I'm ready for the next days punishment.

Session Details
Duration 01 30 00
Distance 9 Miles

06/04/12 - Free Run - Interval (Treadmill)

This interval session was the same as yesterday as i completed it on the the treadmill. I decided to 15 minute mile pace and 20 minutes 8 minute mile pace. It was a great little number on the treadmill and it never got dull even though I watched homes under the hammer at the gym TV. I hope I can get out on the bike tomorrow!

Session Details
Duration 01 15 00
Distance 8 Miles

07/04/12 - Cycling (Rhosilli Bay, Swansea)

I was lucky enough to have company for this long ride, I had family friends down for the weekend so we had an excuse to get out early on the bikes. It was a lovely morning, and quiet on the roads so the road was ours all the way to the coast.

I managed to get a top speed on the bike in this session of 42 MPH, my no fear attitude to speed is still in tacked, until I fall off and I wont go above 5 mph then. I was a little disappointed to see the average speed of the ride was only 13.5 MPH. This is a little slow for my liking, but I know I can work harder and I had plenty of power left in my legs, to keep climbing the hills for home. On the flip side of that I was running low on energy and supplies (Gels, bars, fluids, etc) so I still need to work on my food strategy for the bike.

The climbs on the bike looked a lot higher than the Garmin says, but the stats never lie. I was slower than I thought I would be on the climbs , but my legs didn't give in, I could feel the burn but carried on through it. We rode some of the race course for the standard distance Mumbles race, I only did the sprint last year so when It comes to do the race this year the hill should be too much of a killer.

My heart rate averaged out at 136 BPM, which isn't to high for the endurance bike ride, but I felt great and I had plenty left in the tank, ready for the additional 16 miles on race day. I hope there are less hills on the Cotswold 113 bike route. My heart rate maxed at 169 BPM, which was for the highest climb of the day (80 meters)

It was great getting out on the road, it definitely beats the turbo and spin bike, and I cant wait for the brighter mornings so I can get out more often and longer as the sun rises earlier.

Session Details
Duration 03 11 32
Distance 43.11 Miles
Average Cadence 75
Max Cadence 145
Average HR 136 BPM
Max HR 169 BPM
Average Speed 13.5 MPH
Max Speed 42.0 MPH

08/04/12 - Rest Day

Week 14 Totals
Cycling - 43.11 Miles
Running -  20.79 Miles
Swimming - 2000 Meters


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