Week 39 - All Work (inc House Moves) & No Play

24/09/12 - Rest Day

25/09/12 - Free Run

After a great days racing on Sunday, my legs felt great and I was keen to get a hard run in and as it was hammering down outside the treadmill was the only option.

I cranked the treadmill to 8.6 minute mile pace and got in the zone quickly and disappeared into the run. Its great when this happens as you forget the timer is on, you dont care how far you've gone and you can run for miles.

When I eventually looked at the clock I had been running for 40 minutes, and considering this was a lunch time run I only had 5 minutes left. I felt strong in the legs so I decided the take it to maximum session, and did the last 4 minutes and 4.5 minute mile pace. This was great fun, the treadmill at the gym has never had such a stressful time. I bet it was greatful for me to get off and back to my desk.

I'm not sure when I'll get time again this week to train down to the house move.. BOOO!

Session Details
Duration 00 45 00
Distance 5.66 Miles

26/09/12 - House Move

27/09/12 - House Move

28/09/12 - House Move

29/09/12 - House Move

30/09/12 - Rest Day

Week 39 Totals
Cycling - 0 Miles
Running -  5.66 Miles
Swimming - 0 Meters 


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