Week 36 - Its Working

03/09/12 - Free Run

After a weekend off of feeling a little under the weather I decided to get in a hard run on the treadmill. This is just want I needed to get out the funk I was in. It was hot in the gym so I was sweating buckets, thank god I had the gym to myself, as I sure I would have scared most people away from a man cover in sweat going like the clappers on the treadmill. It was like a river was running off my head, thank god I remembered a towel but this seem to do nothing. When I finished I did wipe the screen and rails down, but I hope they clean the machines often! YUK!

I cranked the treadmill to 8 minute mile pace and stayed there for the full 45 minutes/ Somehow this feels tougher than running on the road, but I suppose to can vary your pace on the road but still clock in the <8 minute mile pace. It was a tough one and by the end of the session I could feel it in my lungs, the burn... a good burn!

Another quality hight tempo session done!

Session Details
Duration 00 45 00
Distance 5.6 Miles

04/09/12 - Core Workout

I am really enjoying back working on my core, I know I should be doing it more throughout the season, but its a new me, and I plan to train more efficiently and fingers crossed this will give me better results for next season.

The set was:

4 x 30 Gym Ball sits ups (You and lying on your back, knees bent on calfs resting on the ball and while doing sit ups your core is clenched tight and the ball is squeezed against your bottom with your legs)

2 x 30 Side Dips (with 7kg dumbbell) (Stand up straight arms down your sides and slowly lower the weight in line with you knee, only going in a sideways motion using your hips)

2 x 15 Wood Chops (with 5kg weight) (Stand up straight and slowly raise the weight over your shoulder and back past your hip in a swinging motion, like you are cutting a tree down with an axe)

4 x 25 In / Out Sit Ups (with 5kg weight) (Standard sit up and raise a 5kg weight out on the way up and back in on the way down)

4 x 25 Side Twist (with 5kg weight) (Sit up legs off the floor and twist the weight from left to right and keep legs and weight raised off the floor)

10 x Gym Ball Roll Out Press Up (Press up position and balance your arms on the gym ball. roll out and back in, in a controlled manor

10 x Gym Ball Roll In Press Up (Press up position and balance your legs on the gym ball. roll out and back in, in a controlled manor - Opposite to the above)

3 x 30sec Plank  (Feet on the vibration plates and hold in plank position for 30 seconds)

3 x 10 V Sits (Legs raised like a V shape and tough toes to create the V)

05/09/12 - Free Run

I was working in a different office today so I had the joys of running an old route that I used to do over 5 years ago. I used to do it in about 52 minutes, today I smashed that and did it in 37 minutes.I did this run just before my half Ironman in the summer and did it in 38 minutes so by the looks of it I'm getting quicker. I know when I was training for the half I was working on strength and duration and now I've been working on speed since that race.

Session Details
Duration 00 37 21
Distance 5 Miles
Calories 711
Average HR 166 BPM
Max HR 184 BPM
Average Pace 7.26
Max Pace 4.14

06/09/12 - Rest Day

07/09/12 - Free Run

Running this route takes me back to the half ironman training days, its a lovely quiet run on the back roads from Romsey to Southampton (Hampshire), and it was made even better by the lovely sunshine.

I forgot to pack the Garmin so I was doing this run on "How I feel" and I was feeling strong in the legs and full of energy to blast this one. After 3 miles in I was in a strange place, somewhere I haven't run before, I must have been in the zone and taken the wrong turn on auto pilot. I decided to follow the road and this brought me to shower I'd never been before, so I carried on and ended up at a junction where I had seen before, in the car so I went with my gut feeling and followed the road to the right and ended up back on the main road where I expected to come out. When I got home I plotted the route and found out I had gone and extra 0.35 of a mile so nothing to drastic!.

It was great to run in the sun and not have to worry about wearing a coat and hat to stop the rain running down your face. Fingers crossed this weather stayed for the next few days while I get the running in.

This was a cracking run and I'm scheduled to do it again in 2 days so I know the time to beat!

Session Details
Duration 01 15 00
Distance 9.35 Miles

08/09/12 - Rest Day

09/09/12 - Free Run

Same run as the previous 9 miles without the turn around and getting lost. Really enjoyed this route and its a route I'll keep on doing to build the distance back up in my legs for the half marathon season coming up.

Session Details
Duration 01 09 00
Distance 9 Miles

Week 36 Totals
Cycling - 0 Miles
Running -  37.95 Miles
Swimming - 0 Meters 


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