Back To Intervals - I've Missed You

As there was no interval session last week, I was raring to go for this one as I really enjoy these sessions as I tend to work that little harder with the club than on my own.

The session was a 6 x (2 minutes 95%, 1 minute 75%, 1 minute 95%, 30 seconds 75%, 30 seconds 95%, 30 seconds 75%) a great speed session, one to concentrate on your fast twitch muscles and keeping your head up and fast moving arms. I loved this session, a hard workout in 60 minutes.

I'm still wearing my compression socks for run training, Its helping me recover and perform at every training session im completing, well running ones anyway. In this session I was doing a walk recovery to get my heart rate down to the 75% I tend to jog in this session but Thursday night I wanted to go flat out in the max zones I made sure I got the fully recovery in. My pacing on the max zones was pretty good, and I felt I had more to give in the max periods and I felt good for the duration. It was really humid for an evening session, I expected rain so I had long sleeved underarmour on and a run rain jacket on. The rain never came, so the coat was soaked through as a perspired so much, so I must have worked hard.

I was averaging out 0.30 of a mile for the 2 minute periods and I am in 2 minds to say if these were the hardest or the easiest sessions, easy because I could get into a rhythm and stay there, hardest because im going flat out for the duration, and im pushing myself all the time to get to the recovery zone. I this period I managed to get a best pace of 4 minute mile so im really happy with that effort.

On the last 30 second 95% period I challenged one of the other runner in the group to a sprint finish, and I really enjoyed trying to push my body to next level, we kept on getting quicker and I managed to pip him with a final extra kick in the last 10 seconds, I wonder how far I could have gone at that pace, and it was a slight incline to. It was shame I missed the 5km series in Swansea as I would have liked to see how much I had progressed from my 21 minutes last year.

Before the session I had some of the Orbana again and it a very good product, as I left work late and did have time to snack before the session. I quickly mixed up 250ml of water and the Orbana powder and off I went. It gave me that extra carbs for the session I needed and I recommend any athlete to try it in there training programme.

Its been a hard week training after racing on last Sunday so im looking forward to the rest day on Friday and a long bike on Saturday so I hope the sun shines.

Todays session

Duration 01 04 03
Distance 5.18 miles
Calories 685
Average HR 162 BPM
Max HR 186 BPM
Average Pace 07.16
Best Pace 03.35


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