Tough Warm Intervals - Thanks Orbana

After being in the office all day and looking out the window at the sunshine, I was ready to get outside and get running. This would be my last run session before I raced on Wednesday in the Wales mid week triathlon series.

When I got to the meeting point, I was surprised to find out the coach wasn't coming tonight and had left the set for us to complete. The set was 2 mins 98%, 2 mins 75% recovery, 4 mins 98%, 2 mins 75% recovery, 6 mins 98%, 2 mins 75% recovery, 4 mins 98%, 2 mins 75% recovery, 2 mins 98%, 2 mins 75% recovery.

A lovely speed speed session and I really enjoy working hard on these workouts. The turn out was on the little small side but most of the group raced on the weekend so I suppose I can let them off :) 

For this session I decided to use my sample of Orbana, in my other blog post I used the product after my long cycle and for this session I decided to use the product before the intense session. I decided this to compare the products diversity for assisting with recovery as well as pre training. Its easy to mix and all you need is 250ml of water and shake well and you ready to drink. It tasted great and went down very easy, exactly what a sports drink should be. I sipped the drink before I met the group and finished the last mouth full before we left. The drink didn't repeat on me while out running and as its only 250ml I couldn't feel it sloshing about in my stomach, which is a must so it doesn't effect my pacing.

I was really happy with my work rate in this session ,and the lap times show this intensity. I feel some of it is down to my progression in my fitness but some of it goes down to Orbana. The product helped me keep on going for the 98% periods at the same pace, which can only be a good thing. I never dropped below 7 minute mile pace though the intense periods which is great pacing with the heat we had on Monday night. I recommend this product to any athlete who is after a that little boost before their session. I will speak to the guys at Celtic Tri and mention this product to them to try out.

Todays session

Duration 00 38 38
Distance  4.98 miles
Calories 675
Average HR 164 BPM
Max HR 178 BPM
Best Pace 05:13
Average Pace 07.35


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