Somebody Call Da Po-Lice!
My run was cut short because the police stopped me running down the planned route, all the blue lights, riot vans and unmarked cars.. the works! I wonder what was going on, but it totally through my run session I had planned and I ended up a mile short of planned distance.
It was only short run in this session as I was once again late coming home from work and I was attending a leaving party which involved a curry, so I needed to get out there to leave the stress from work behind and burn some calories off for that all important Indian cuisine.
My first mile was my quickest last night, as it was all down hill and then after getting deflected by the cops I had to do a route which was mostly uphill. It wasn't good on my already tired legs, I need to get a sports massage on my calf and shins. I took this chance to wear my new Newtons once more and I wasn't disappointed, I've got a few more scheduled runs with them until I write my review so please stay tuned for that report.
I did work hard in this session and the heat hasn't helped, but I dont mind it because anything is better than the rain. I trained last night without undersrmour on, so just shorts, t-shirt and compression socks, I was dripping when I had finished so it shows I must of worked hard on the hills, even though my heart rated max at only 167 BPM I still feel it was a good workout.
I do feel tired so im due rest day on Friday so I cant wait for that, I'll train hard tonight and put my feet up from then. Anyone recommend ice baths as a form of recovery? I was averaging out just over 8 minute miles which im happy with as it was mainly uphill. The chart below shows one major dip where Hawaii Five-O told me to turn around.
Roll on Friday!
Todays session
Duration 00 33.38
Distance 4.13 miles
Calories 575
Average HR 149 BPM
Max HR 167 BPM
Average Pace 08.07
Best Pace 05.48
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