Easy Ride, Horses & All With The Yellow Jersey!

After a long weekend I was back in the office today, it was like I hadn't had the days off, it was back to 100 mph were I left it last week., But enough about the office more about the training!

I want to take it easy as im competing on Sunday so I decided to get out on the bike and do an easy cycle, the normal 9 mile route and take it easy on my legs. My parents bought some new Planet X cycle jerseys, a nice short sleeved yellow one and a long sleeved sky blue one. I wore the new yellow top tonight, and I had my Oakleys on.. I looked like a yellow jersey winner at the tour de France, but without the team car following me and talking about cars I over took this old granny in her micro-machine of a car going down the back lanes. I sounds like I was hammering it but I think it was only 20 mph!

I still fell quite lonely on these routes I don't see many people and all I tend to see is cattle, sheep, lambs and today it must have been walk your horse day, I passed 2 sets of people out riding there horses who didn't even acknowledge me, 1 horse and trap pulling some pikeys along and 4 horses wondering lonely in a field while I was going up hill, and there was even free horse manure available on this route.

The route today I managed a personal best, even though I was meant to be taking it easy, I was over 1 minute quicker. I've got a club run scheduled tomorrow, its another ladder session, I think I'll go down to the session but keep it light. After the I downloaded tonight statistics I've noticed I have clocked in 600 miles for the year already!

One last thing here is my new jersey, cant go wrong for £9.99 you can get them here - LINK

Todays session

Duration 00 40 33
Distance 9.31 miles
Calories 603
Max HR 161BPM


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