Ladder Session...
The session was a ladder session 4 x (1min 98% Max HR & 1min recovery) 1 x (2min 98% Max HR & 2min recovery) 1 x (4min 98% Max HR & 4min recovery) 4 x (1min 98% Max HR & 1min recovery).
I really enjoy these session, the only bad thing about them is that it stops you getting a rhythm, its not that bad actually!
The laps show on average im covering the same kind of distance in each lap, which show im not tiring during the session, But the stats lie I was cream crackered by the end! Lucky for me its a rest day on Friday so my legs can get a day off but I've got to cut the lawns!
Todays session
Duration 00 50 29
Distance 5.07 Miles
Calories 663
Max HR 176BPM
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