Sprints Sessions Hurt, But A Nice Hurt

Is there such thing as a nice pain, I could feel the burn in my lungs and to top it off I had a awful stitch pain in my right side for 3 sets of the session and to try and reduce the pain I was taking deep breaths and holding my breath for as long as possible to keep the stretched, I also was try to stretch my side out but the other runners kept on telling me that I looked like a monkey or a tea pot so I only did it when I was out of sight.

Todays set was:

5 x 2min, 1min, 1min, 30sec, 30sec, 30sec

I completed this session at a high intensity and kept my heart rate high, I've done this session before but we only did 4 reps so we gained a level.

Todays session

Duration 01 02 27
Distance 5.91 miles
Calories 791
Average HR 167 BPM
Max HR 179 BPM
Average Pace 7.34
Max Pace 4.20


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