Day 3 - Shopping, KFC & Lone Running

We (me and my wife) were meant to get up at eight (am) to get out to the shops before the rush, I had an “so so” night’s sleep, I watched some of the test match (ashes 5th test) and finally dosed off. But back to getting up early... well the short of it was my wife forgot to set the alarm and we woke up at quarter past nine instead, whoops! But we still got to the shops before the mad rush. I had to return my hiking shoes as they were a size to big so I was happy to do that as they were a lovely surprise from my wife.
Well we walked around the shops… EVERY shop... and to cut a long story short I bought nothing and she bought nearly everything apart from lunch which as a treat it was a KFC.. LUSH! And to top off a great day we went to watch Meet The Parents – Little Fockers which was very funny. Go and see it!
All good days must come to an end so we drove home and I needed to get out on the road and clock up some millage. Well I’ve clocked in another 6.5 miles and it felt great I hope it burnt off the KFC as I could have kept going but I remembered I lived at the top of a hill so I thought lets call it a night. It was back to one of my normal runs I need to find some more routes as I've got the whole of January to go. Its a road run all the way and now all the snow has gone its far easier to run on the road and not slip on your arse. I think they have turned off some more street lights on this route too! GRRRR - Council swines!
Tonight’s iPod shuffle music was the new NOW 77 album Today Running Album and it was a cracking choice, I’ve only listened to CD1 and it pushed me all the way, well worth a listen. Its day 3 and my legs feel pretty good thank you compression tights. It’s a swim session planned for tomorrow night, this is my first proper attempt at a swim session so I hope it goes well, I need to work on this if I’m going to try and get into triathlons. My wife is the swimmer so I’m hoping she can teach me to tumble turn in the pool.
Right I’m off poached eggs for dinner I think!
Todays session

Distance 6.54 miles
Duration 00:55:22
Calories 925
Max HR 177 BPM


  1. Great effort - I had to sort out a load of old Now albums at my parents' house this weekend. I had Now 6 (on cassette)!

  2. NOW 6! before my time im affraid!

  3. I've successfully managed to avoid the shops since Christmas. I can't manage shopping and Janathon! do you usually do a lot of hiking as well?

  4. Hi Cathy, Living in Wales we have alot of mountains so im often up a hill somewhere...

    A few of my mates are into this cross country mountain running but I ruptured my knee ligaments 3 years ago and tend to stick to running on more stabble grounds.

    But as ive got new boots im sure I'll be walking up to more cliffs soon! :)


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